Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Creative Writing the easiest class ever! Except for maybe personal finance. But creative writing is a lot more fun than finance (especially since half my class is so slow at learning things). I had a "conference" today with my teacher and she loves my writing (not to brag, or anything). At least I have one easy class senior year!


Lynnis said...

it is good they are making high schoolers learn finance even though I'm sure it's way below your level. I see so many people my age entering the "real world" who have absolutely no concept of "if you want something, plan and save for it." I also know too many adults who mooch off their parents, but that's a touchy issue in these parts...

Lona said...

Hallie, you should post some of your creative writing on this blog...

Gordon said...

A good way to become a good writer is to carefully read the greatest writers. I am fond of Lincoln, Jefferson, and a number of Roman and Greeks. Wendell Berry and Carol Jane Oats are straightforward good writers

Hebrew writing is often wonderful but bear in mind it is seen through the window of translation from a different language family. That is not so bad either, since many of the translators were greats, e.g. King James translators. Read the Psalms and Ecclesiastes, not the histories.

In all these, study sentence structure, "pat" phrase structures useful to reuse and sonorous language in general. Try taking some Lincoln, paraphrase it to your subject and see how it turns out. Freely rearrange it. After practice it all becomes second nature.