Thursday, October 30, 2008

Anyone know where i can get radioactive material?

Hey i need a small amount of radium or uranium or some sort of radioactive material that is containing radium or uranium..
I was kind of hoping Gordon had a clue.
It is to make a cloud chamber for my science fair experiment and i was thinking about using an old watch that has radiative material on it but it is to much weight so it can't work....

Please help
<3 eLLE


Innes said...

ever read The Radioactive BOy Scout? here's a link to a summary:

that should give you a few good ideas...i think some of his material came from smoke detectors...


Hallie Jo said...

become a chemistry teacher. i think it will be easier to get then.

Lynnis said...


Elle said...

lol .. nvm my teacher was like no to dangerous..
physic teacher fail..

Lona said...

I used to have a radioactive dime. I wonder if I could find it.