So, I do happen to know what Wednesday means for Andelle. At least I think I know what it means.
For me, it means trying to run CHI meetings after school. (CHI means Columbia High School Inspired (to Effect Global Change)). Today's attempt was totally unsuccessful. We ended up sitting around and talking about random stuff instead of "saving the world" aka trying to raise awareness and money to support the four United Nations Millenium Developement goals: eradicating poverty, getting better healthcare and education, and creating sustainable resources. Specifically for South Asia. Our meeting today had a sad turnout of about 6 people plus the 4 officers (including myself) for a wonderful 10 people. Instead, we discussed the upcoming election...and other stuff.
As for being "college bound" the guidance counselors have been telling us about the college application process. It sounds quite complicated.
You fill out this. Send this here. Get this from the office then do this, this and this. Oy vey.
Although I actually
have been working on my college essay (!).